Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Final Reach Out and Read Poster (Submitted)

Final poster submitted to the Reach Out and Read contest. After final critique the photo was redone. In the final for class the space on the left side of the book for the letter "W" was very small. In the reshoot I laid the book for "O" over this sliver of book on the "W". Also the "READ" was more properly centered above "GROW" and that was it for composition. On color, a totally different green was used. My original intent was to use the same hue of green as in the final for class. However, after cropping the photo, I immediately liked the green seen here far more. I changed the color a little to be more green and not so much yellow green. This version is a warm green while the one turned in for class was a cool green. I felt like the warm green spoke for a brighter future from reading and suggested a stronger sense of growth in the vibrancy of the hue. 

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