Monday, April 11, 2011

Icon/Culture Exhibition Titles

I currently have four ideas I'm working with for exhibition concepts.

The first is the idea of money as the foundation for life. My culture of outlaws came about during the Great Depression when jobs were scarce and money was short for everyone. Many people took up lives of crime to avoid the difficulty and impossibility of finding a job. This exhibition would be named "yEARN".

The second idea concerns the power of these criminals, especially the Mafia. The title here would be "Powered by Criminals" or "Criminal Power".

The third idea is based on the clean, dapper, and organized side of the Mafia. This is the unexpected side of the Mafia, and one people look over due to the dirty violence. The title here is "Criminal Filth" or "Organized Filth".

My last idea is based entirely on the act of the prohibition. It would deal with the split in the population over whether or not alcohol should be prohibited and if it really had been considering alcohol's accessability during the prohibition. The laws were enacted to clean up America, but made it dirtier in the process. Title here is "Prohibited?"

1 comment:

  1. Can you be a bit more specific in the second description about WHO are these criminals?

    Are the last two ideas expansive enough that they can integrate multiple icons into the identity?

    The word "filth" doesn't support with the description (clean and dapper).
