Friday, November 12, 2010

Periodically Speaking Yo (Final Deliverable)

 Here's some digital versions of the final deliverables for the Periodically Speaking project in Typography 1. I was particularly interested in this project. The use of typography in creating the monogram and both layouts was very interesting. I often get lost in details with my work, so working with the details in these pieces (the leading, rags, orphans & widows, alignments, and grids) was an enjoyable experience. I am also very fond of chemistry and science, researching (chemistry and physics research especially), and the histories and stories behind many things. It was nice to design for something not human or human related. There are set characteristics in elements and we set out to exemplify them in the designs of the monogram, two-page spread, and web layout and these characteristics don't change like human moods and preferences do.

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