Sunday, March 20, 2011

Find and Share (Info Graphics)

I came across this set of information graphics about the harms of cigarettes. This set of infographics resonates with me though because it doesn't consider the harmful effects of cigarettes on the user. This set instead focuses on the damage cigarettes pose to others (and in terms other than second-hand smoking). These problems that are pointed out in this set of infographics I have personally never seen promoted. This twist of considering the general public over the user of the cigarette is intriguing and a new concept and take on the anti-promotion of cigarettes.

Aside from the nice conceptual side I think this set is a little odd. Mostly because it seems that there are a lot of arbitrary elements in each infographic. For example, the helicopter above the ruler in the first infographic, the word light in the second graphic, and the car and stoplight in the final graphic. They just seem a little quirky and useless in the message of the graphics. I can kind of make a tie between the "arbitrary graphics" and the rest of the image,  but the connection is distant and odd. Like with the helicopter, I think its just another example of height, which the infographic is focused on. But why a helicopter? So my final conclusion with this set of infographics isn't that they are bad. Quite the contrary really, I do like them. I think its just the context of the culture they are in, which I believe is Japanese. So maybe in Asia it all makes sense. There is no doubt they have a different aesthetic than the West. 

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