Sunday, August 28, 2011

Rhetoric and Poetry reading response

We're all poets and didn't know it? How cliché but true. When one stops to think about this it turns out to be plenty true. What I found remarkable is how these metaphors enter our everyday dialogue and we tend to be entirely unaware of our rhetorical speaking. The Poetry For Everyday Life reading points out several examples of words used to figuratively describe everyday activities or thoughts. The stock market climbs and falls, marriages can be healthy and we devour and digest the information in books. Each of these examples provides a visual idea of how we communicate these ideas. The visual representation is used to create a better and more interesting idea of what is actually occurring. These rhetorical phrases can be considered examples of deconstructive language. The descriptive words (like climb, fall, and healthy) are not used in a literal sense but in a figurative one.

Figures of speech occur in our daily lives on a level of subconsciousness most people will never be aware of. As designers part of our job is to consider the subconscious workings of our audience and to tap into the subconscious mind when possible to create messages that are understood immediately without any consideration or questions asked. Using some figures of speech and applying them to graphic design, some designers can get ideas across quicker and clearer than if they were to explain the message in words.

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