Monday, September 19, 2011

Gertrude Stein Kinetic Poetry (FINAL)


Orange In


  1. I really like how you move the words and play with them in both videos. The text is readable till the second video (0:23) - from there on it's a bit too much to read at once.
    I think there's a good connection between both animations. The playing with words, zooming in and out like if you were flying through the letters is a bit stronger in the first video. I like that better even though you could work a bite more on the fine tuning.

  2. For some reason my comment didn't get posted earlier, because I think forgot to fill in captcha. Anyway, here is my response:

    I think it makes sense what you are doing with your motion pieces by emphasizing the words as sort of beats with a rhythm through time. I really enjoy the way "asparagus" is rendered. There's an energy to it that I pick up on in that poem. However, I wish the poem "Orange In" had more motion in it. It seems disconnected with your first poem.

    I think the timing on some moments in "Orange In" feel a little quick, especially since I can tell that you want the viewer to legibly discern the text. Other than that, I feel your "Asparagus" piece is most successful and captures your concept the clearest (alliteration!)
