Monday, November 15, 2010

Reach Out and Read First Digital Iterations

In my three posters I chose to follow the path of limited text. I wanted the phrases I used to be short, affirmative, and immediately understood. I also wanted to maintain a childish context. In the Read & Soar poster, the rendering style suggests this childishness. In the seed poster, the letterforms and playful colors suggest haptic quality of a child's handwriting. The Read Grow poster maintains the child context withe the children's books that were used to make the letterforms. 
Based on critique, the poster that will be pursued for the class assignment will be the seed poster. I have to think of a way to contextualize the font to children better though. The setting the poster is in now (just on top of a school desk) is not quite working. It isn't seen as a desk and it doesn't provide too great of a contrast for the letterforms. I plan to try sidewalks, classrooms, playgrounds, a garden, and pouring excess seeds around the phrase to stress the use of seeds in the letters.

On a personal note, after talking with Marty, I have decided to enter the Read Grow and the seed poster into the poster design contest. I feel like both posters have potential and the Read Grow poster is really close to its final form right now. It won't take a lot of extra time to finalize the poster. My focus for now though will certainly be the seed poster.

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