Sunday, November 14, 2010

Reach Out and Read first sketches

My main concern behind these poster designs was to keep the text limited. In my own opinion, the parents that this program primarily needs to reach probably don't like reading and therefore don't read to their kids. They don't understand the importance because they never benefited from it. Therefore, they wouldn't stop to take the time reading statistics and research and all these explanations behind the importance of the program. So I tried to use rhymes and short phrases in my posters to keep it simple and appealing to those that don't appreciate statistics and text. I hope to catch the attention of people with the posters imagery (analog letters or imagery) and then hopefully from there they would read the bottom of the poster for the information that wouldn't have attracted them in the first place.

I wanted the phrases and words I used to be affirmative but somewhat vague. Vague to provoke the viewer to think deeper about the importance behind reading to children and just reading in general. 

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