Sunday, February 20, 2011

Final Nikola Tesla Poster

Final artifact turned in for The Constructed Image project. The food was treated far more delicately in this version compared to the last. The size of each cube and the placement was executed with a more careful precision. The cubes were made to be near equal in size and they were placed to line up on the grid used in the composition. This alignment, paired with the grid, and placed in proximity to a few numbers and equations in the Physics book all reflect Tesla's highly calculated mind. He would calculate the amount of food he would eat before every meal. His claim to fame, the Tesla coil, is featured in the composition and is attached to the physics book with some wires. Another cable comes from the book and runs off frame. These cables are attached to the physics book to emphasize the quote used. Physics is the wheel work of nature and drives and governs all things that exist. The wiring attached symbolizes the dream in Tesla's quote that someday man will be able to harvest the raw kinetic energy that exists and powers everything. Finally the electric style of lettering carried out with his name and the physics book both represent the fields of work Tesla was involved in. He was a physicist and more specifically a scientist devoted to the workings of electricity. 

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