Friday, February 11, 2011

TESLA Poster: First print

In my poster I really want to create a sense of surrealism. My goal in doing this is to create a sense of the world that Tesla lived in. He clearly saw things and understood things other people couldn't. I wanted to partially represent his way of thinking by creating the world that his mind lived in. The symbols employed in the piece are the physics book and chopped up food and the gridded floor. Physics was a field he worked in. More precisely he worked in the field of electronics and magnetism. The specific spread of the text book is open to a page that deals with the unit Tesla. This unit measures magnetic flux density. The indexes employed are his Tesla Coil and the electricity emanating from it. I must draw a difference here between the field of electronics and physics because they both seem similar and might seem that they should both operate as one or the other, not one for each. However, Tesla worked with physics but I would never correlate the two. Physics does not point to Tesla. However, due to Tesla's extensive work with electronics, I almost always relate the two to each other. Tesla largely defined modern electricity and the way it's used.

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